Senior Resource Association offers both Public and Private Guardianship programs.
Public Guardianship benefits indigent adults in Indian River County who have been deemed incapacitated by the court. SRA has been granted the rare privilege of overseeing this crucial program in our county so that no one unable to care for themselves at the very basic level will be abandoned in our community.
The Public Guardian Program provides guardianship services to adults with limited financial assets without someone willing or able to manage their personal and financial decisions and advocate for them. We strive to help our clients live independently whenever safe and possible for as long as possible.
Private Guardianship is provided for seniors with adequate means to pay a fee for guardianship services.
As a result, we have enabled more clients to benefit from the least restrictive placement appropriate for their needs, which is always the goal of guardianship.
Court-Assigned Public Guardian Responsibilities

Public Guardian Referral and Intake Application
For more information about SRA’s Public Guardian Program, please click here or call 772.569.0760 ext. 133 or email info@sramail.org.
Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.